It's been running your life and ruining your relationships. Relational trauma will leave you feeling stuck, lonely, and unworthy...but the shit is a lie. It's time to act like the Spiritual O.G. that you are and use your gift of love to fix your life and own your power.

Join Love University









It's been running your life and ruining your relationships. Relational trauma will leave you feeling stuck, lonely, and unworthy...but the shit is a lie. It's time to act like the Spiritual O.G. that you are and use your gift of love to fix your life and own your fucking power.









Join Love University

Don't act. You've known for a while that you might be a little cray-cray. You've been stuck and you're hurting yourself and you don't know why.  You sacrifice, numb your emotions like a damn robot, or pretend to be strong, but silently cry in the bathroom because you're sick and tired of being sick and tired. You KNOW you're powerful yet you feel broken. It's not you, the problem is trauma.

Let's be real...bag ladies aren't sexy. It's time you admit you're not happy so you can unpack the pain you've been dragging around. I don't care if you stuffed your shit into Louis Vuitton, it still stinks up your life and disconnects you from love. It's time you learn how to:
  • Learn how to love, accept, and appreciate all of you without all the damn restrictions, permission, or perfection. 
  • Experience real peace that surpasses all understanding without needing other people to change.
  • Communicate your feelings without guilt – even when it makes others uncomfortable. 
  • Learn how to ask for what you really want and need instead of settling, compromising, or giving a fuck about things that ain't your business.
  • YOU PROTECT YOU by setting and enforcing boundaries so you're emotionally, mentally, and physically safe because you deserve balance and peace of mind. 
  • Stop trying to control every damn thing all the damn time and RELAX. 
  • Live from your power of self-connection and authentic spirituality so that fear, unworthiness, and self-sabotage aren't false idols stealing your happiness.
  • Stop the bullshit trying so damn hard to be so damn perfect and own being a super woman who is imperfect yet always becoming.
You know in your heart there's more to life than cycles of depression and disappointment mixed with relationships based on make-believe love and whole lies. It's time you make a soul-connection.
Join Love University

Don't act. You've known for a while that you might be a little cray-cray. You've been stuck and you're hurting yourself and you don't know why.  You sacrifice, numb your emotions like a damn robot, or pretend to be strong, but silently cry in the bathroom because you're sick and tired of being sick and tired. You KNOW you're powerful yet you feel broken. It's not you, the problem is trauma.

Let's be real...bag ladies aren't sexy. It's time you admit you're not happy so you can unpack the pain you've been dragging around. I don't care if you stuffed your shit into Louis Vuitton, it still stinks up your life and disconnects you from love. It's time you learn how to:
  • Be who the fuck you are UNAPOLOGETICALLY 
  • Learn how to love, accept, and appreciate all of you without all the damn restrictions, permission, or perfection. 
  • Experience real peace that surpasses all understanding without needing other people to change.
  • Communicate your feelings without guilt – even when it makes others uncomfortable. 
  • Learn how to ask for what you really want and need instead of settling, compromising, or giving a fuck about things that ain't your business.
  • YOU PROTECT YOU by setting and enforcing boundaries so you're emotionally, mentally, and physically safe because you deserve balance and peace of mind. 
  • Stop trying to control every damn thing all the damn time and RELAX. 
  • Live from your power of self-connection and authentic spirituality so that fear, unworthiness, and self-sabotage aren't false idols stealing your happiness.
  • Stop the bullshit trying so damn hard to be so damn perfect and own being a super woman who is imperfect yet always becoming.
You know in your heart there's more to life than cycles of depression and disappointment mixed with relationships based on make-believe love and whole lies. It's time you make a soul-connection.
Join Love University

All of your relationships are a reflection of the relationship you have with yourself. 

You’ve been raised and praised to self-sacrifice and trained to always keep it movin’. You can't stand the idea of being weak, but you believe it so blindly that it's killing you silently.  
A superwoman feels obligated to be strong even when it hurts...we call that people-pleasing. 
This is why your relationships fail because the REAL you is nowhere to be found.
You're stuck with a sinking feeling of unworthiness and your relationships are suffering because you don't know who you are. There's hope because you're not alone.
Relational violations are heartbreaking because you no longer feel emotionally safe or seen.  You're exhausted from the weight of the wall you've built and don't even realize that all of your drama stems from trauma and it looks like: 


πŸ–€ Emotional, physical, sexual abuse or neglect
πŸ–€Abandoment or betrayal
πŸ–€ Being shamed, dismissed, devalued, or denied for having your own thoughts, feelings, and perspectives as a child
πŸ–€ Toxic or narcissistic partners who manipulate, lie, gaslight, and cheat all the while blaming you for being the problem
πŸ–€ Dysfunctional parents who were narcissist, addicted, controlling, shaming, inconsistent, or absent
πŸ–€Parents who gave you everything you needed physically but emotionally they were shut down, numb, invalidating, or shaming
πŸ–€Any relational violation that disrupts your sense of trust and safety in the world 


The truth is, you've been hurt and IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT. It's trauma. You CRAVE love and connection, but you also FEAR it.  You're stuck and defensive. Instead of healing your heart after disappointment and low-key depression, you put on your mask and your cape telling yourself you're fine. Because you’re superwoman and you can heal on your own. Right?


Lies. Go ahead, sing En Vogue loud because you live the lyrics. 
I'm ready for my breakthrough
Relational violations are heartbreaking because you no longer feel emotionally safe or seen.  You're exhausted from the weight of the wall you've built and don't even realize that all of your drama stems from trauma and it looks like: 


πŸ–€ Emotional, physical, sexual abuse or neglect
πŸ–€Abandoment or betrayal
πŸ–€ Being shamed, dismissed, devalued, or denied for having your own thoughts, feelings, and perspectives as a child
πŸ–€ Toxic or narcissistic partners who manipulate, lie, gaslight, and cheat all the while blaming you for being the problem
πŸ–€ Dysfunctional parents who were narcissist, addicted, controlling, shaming, inconsistent, or absent
πŸ–€Parents who gave you everything you needed physically but emotionally they were shut down, numb, invalidating, or shaming
πŸ–€Any relational violation that disrupts your sense of trust and safety in the world 


The truth is, you've been hurt and IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT. It's trauma. You CRAVE love and connection, but you also FEAR it.  You're stuck and defensive, but instead of healing your heart after disappointment and low-key depression, you put on your mask and your cape telling yourself that you're fine. Because you’re superwoman and you can heal on your own. Right?


Lies. Go ahead, sing En Vogue loud because you live the lyrics. 
I'm ready for my breakthrough

SOMEBODY needs to tell you that your name ain’t Superwoman Harriet Tubman Imma Martyr Jones.

You’re doing all of the things – saving folks, sacrificing, praying, reading, affirming, and listening to every MF  podcast on iTunes (sometimes you even put on Kevin Samuels for which I will side-eye you later, but I digress)...

You're trying to fix your life, but YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT The REAL PROBLEM IS. 

Lemme break it down...

Relational trauma influences how your identity and it makes the possibility of a healthy relationship impossible.  Trauma has taught you that love is pain and that you must protect yourself at all costs, but you're doing it wrong because you end up hurt anyway! It's all unconscious which is why all the shit you've tried doesn't work! You've abandoned yourself and it's not a declaration of love... it's self-abuse. Stop hurting yourself and heal your trauma by learning how to Love U.


All of the self-help and toxic positivity in the world won’t fix you until you Learn U... and you don't have to heal alone. You've tried the quick fixes of self-medication laced with denial wrapped in broken promises. Band-Aids.

You need that permanent Gorilla Glue kinda healing…


It’s time you stop making fucking excuses and BREAKTHROUGH so you can:

❀️ Finally experience feeling the peace of being whole because the one you've been looking for is YOU.
❀️ OWN YOUR POWER ALREADY.  Confidently pursue your purpose, trust YOURSELF, and lean into your faith because the God in you has waited long enough.
❀️ Stop being toxic and enjoy healthy, loving, and balanced relationships where you get YOUR needs met.
❀️ Embrace intimacy and closeness, tighter bonds, and more authentic relationships because vulnerability is your superpower and a whole man don't want half of you.
❀️ End your attraction to toxic, dependent, addicted, irresponsible, or emotionally unavailable lovers because that shit is life-threatening and draining.
❀️ Breakfree from your crippling fear of abandonment that keeps you bonded to MF you don't even like.
❀️ Break-up with struggle love, friends with no benefits, and "complicated" relationships because damaged dick causes damage and your soul wants better for you.
❀️ Become a better parent, break generational curses, and teach your children the power of self-love so they don't become victims of their own pain and unworthiness.
❀️ LOVE U like your life depends on it..because it does.

You too can make these changes in your life...  

Here’s what she said about her transformation through

“This class has been such a blessing to me. Since starting I walked away from a relationship, I exercise daily, I have PEACE, I’ve started 2 businesses I do makeup and teach classes and I sell jewelry... And I’ve returned to plus size modeling. I am more determined now to go after the life I want and if a thing or person does not line up with it, then goodbye. I mourned the life I wanted and expected to have at 43 and I’m building a new life from where I am and accepting the things that didn’t happen. I’m growing and learning to trust God more and I’m realizing more and more that I am not in control but to just trust His leading. I love me more and [am] working on obtaining my heart’s desires.”

 You Today: 

 You 90 Days From Now: 

Exhausted and feeling broken because your life and relationships aren’t working. Your unfulfilled, your rap sheet got a body count full of failed relationships, and a purpose you want to own, but you're STUCK and unhappy.

(Hint..the cape is killing you)

You are COMPLETE livin' life like it's golden! You're fulfilled, connected, and loved enjoying your family, relationships, career, and faith free of insecurity and shame. You honor yourself and you aren't afraid to take risks because you know you lead with love.

Actin' like a superwoman sacrificing yourself and resenting the hell out of everyone because you don't know how to say NO. You save folks on the regular but secretly want to be saved, yet you can't stand asking for help. 

('re complicated AF)

Burn the fucking cape. You're no longer responsible for other people's feelings or problems. You allow others to take responsibility for themselves and  you honor yourself by setting boundaries to protect yourself from patterns and pain because you Love U. 

Attracting broken, unavailable, emotionally immature, empty, narcissistic, or manipulative partners who lack integrity, self-respect,  and honesty...  OR you find the nice guys BORING.

(Hint.. you're toxic too) 

Listen, you know who you are and what you want.  You are loveable, deserving, and no longer need to earn love or prove your worth. You KNOW you're worthy because you got that soul connection!  You're a WHOLE woman attracting WHOLE love and it comes easy to you.

Numb as hell and defensive as fuck. You're super smart but can't communicate what you really want and feel so you shut down or bottle it up until you explode and go the f*ck off. 

( kill vibes)

Live your TRUTH. You no longer play small. You're no longer afraid of your voice. You're honest without guilt or shame. Speaking your truth and emotional maturity are your jam because you honor your feelings as the soundtrack to your life. 

You're afraid of being abandoned. You're insecure and lonely even when you're in a relationship. You don't REALLY let people in because you don't trust no-damn-body and you fiercely try to protect your heart..but you do a poor job because you're sensitive and still get hurt. 

( need therapy NOW)

You're fulfilled. You're no longer afraid of being alone or abandoned because you no longer abandon yourself. You practice unconditional self-love and authentic self-worth that comes from within. You are confident knowing you are never alone as a loved divine child of God.

You got trust issues.  You don't trust yourself, others, and even your trust in God is a little shaky.  You were taught to be silent about what goes on in your house and your heart which leaves you feeling alone and unsupported, BUT YOU CAN'T HEAL ALONE.

(Hint...You can learn to trust the God within as your true source of power and love)

Your faith has deepened because you know the God in you. You have the tools of transformation and you apply them. You accept your superpower of love for yourself. You trust yourself because you've allowed yourself to human, honest, and vulnerable.  You're a member of a tribe that's committed to your growth and healing. You have family in the sisterhood of Love U.

I want love and I need therapy. Sign me up!

 You Today: 

 You 90 Days From Now: 

Exhausted and feeling broken because your life and relationships aren’t working. Your unfulfilled, your rap sheet got a body count, failed relationships, and a purpose you want to live in- but you're STUCK and unhappy.

You are COMPLETE livin' life like it's golden! You're fulfilled, connected, and loved enjoying your family, relationships, career, and faith free of insecurity and shame. You honor yourself and you aren't afraid to take risks because you know you lead with love.

Operating like a superwoman sacrificing your wants, needs, and feelings while resenting it because you don't know how to say NO. You save folks on the regular but secretly want to be saved, yet you can't stand asking for help. Complicated YOU ARE.

Burn the fucking cape. Toxic people, places, and behaviors are put on notice. You are your own ride-or-die because YOU got your back. You set boundaries to protect yourself from patterns and pain because you love you.

Attracting broken, unavailable, emotionally immature, empty, and selfish partners who lack integrity, self-respect,  and honesty.  OR you find the nice guys BORING.

Listen, because you see yourself as you are- worthy, loveable, and divine- you can not and will not tolerate being treated with disrespect. Your heart is open so you easily express and attract love. You a WHOLE woman attracting WHOLE men and it comes easy to you. 

Numb and defensive to your emotions and unable to communicate what you really want and feel so you shut down or bottle it up until you explode and go the f*ck off. 

Speak your TRUTH. You no longer play small. You're no longer afraid of your voice. You're honest without guilt or shame. Self-expression and emotional maturity are your jam because YOU are in control of the soundtrack to your life. 

Feel insecure, unworthy, unlovable, and lonely even when you're in a relationship. You don't REALLY let people in because you don't trust no-damn-body and you fiercely try to protect your heart..but you do a poor job because you're sensitive and still get hurt. 

You feel so damn good that you can't help but protect your peace. It's as natural as breathing. You Practicing unconditional self-love and authentic self-worth that comes from within. You are confident and you KNOW who you are. You plays NO games because you're all LOVE as a divine child of God. 

Believe people are not to be trusted. You don't trust yourself and even your trust in God is a little shaky because you wonder about some of his decisions. You were taught to be silent and not talk about what goes on in your house and your heart. 

Your faith has deepened because you know the God in you. You accept your superpower of love for yourself. You trust yourself because you've allowed yourself to human, honest, and vulnerable. You are a part of a tribe that's committed to your growth and healing. You have family in the sisterhood of Love U.

I’m Ready to Love Me


Love U is a weekly membership for ambitious women who are ready to heal the heartbreak of relational trauma using the tools of therapy and the power of spirituality so they can enjoy authentic self-love, divine self-trust, and embrace intimate relationships. 
Explore how trauma created your struggle with emotions, closeness, trust, communication, and safety in relationships
Learn how to  re-establish a relationship with your Self to heal your inner child and unpack your emotional baggage
Return to wholeness & own your self-worth. Tune into your intuition, emotional, and spiritual needs to create healthy love

What'll You Learn in Love U? More than we can fit on this page. The Love Revolution isn’t just a framework for healing, it’s the key to your transformation.

Learn More about The Love Revolution

When you enroll today, you’ll get...


  • 7-Day for $7.00 Trial because we know you are skeptical as hell and we want you to have to comfort of knowing what you're paying for
  • The Love Revolution Framework step-by-step process of healing relational trauma using the tools of therapy and the power of spirituality to heal your trauma and practice unconditional self-love
  • Weekly Live 2-hour Revolutionary Love Coaching Classes (AKA Trigger Tuesdays) every Tuesday at 7:00 PM ET/ 6:00 CT/ 5:00 MT/ 4:00 PT 
  •  On-demand access to Love U Library with over 100+ hours of trauma-focused classes, worksheets, journal prompts, and group coaching sessions
  • Monthly downloadable mindfulness and hypnosis audio recordings to increase emotion and mood regulation, relaxation,  self-awareness, and stress reduction
  • Biweekly Online Group Journal Sessions
  • A safe supportive online community
  •  Weekly challenges to help you stay encouraged and feel supported as you practice the tools of transformation
  • Love U rides for U so you'll get free admission to all of our love fest events, retreats, and workshops 
  • Invites to bonus group coaching sessions and Lunchtime Love support sessions


Total value = $299 a month

or $65.00 Biweekly

Join & Pay Monthly
Join & Pay Biweekly

I’m so excited to meet you!

My name is Cerita Yvonne. I'm a relational trauma expert.   I'm a therapist, trauma coach, Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, hypnotherapist, and hope dealer. I'm a lifelong learner from the hood, a recovered codependent perfectionist, sexual abuse survivor, and retired superwoman transformed into a super woman. For too long I wore a cape that I inherited from strong women who were secretly heartbroken. 

I was toxic and didn’t know it until I learned about the spiritual and emotional devastation of relational trauma. I was relieved to understand there was a reason for this silent pain.  The ROOT of my unworthiness had to be healed so that I could feel whole and experience real love. I created Love University because I know so many Black women are struggling with the same dis-ease of unworthiness, shame, loneliness, and perfectly hidden depression they inherited. It doesn’t have to be this way! I used the tools of therapy and the power of spirituality to meet my soul... and chile, I never knew a love so damn good! Let me teach you how to get that soul-connection and Love U.

You know you need therapy and your friends do too, so gather the crew because y'all all need Love U! 

Always in love,

Save me a seat sis!

I’m so excited to meet you!

My name is Cerita Yvonne. I'm your spiritual, righteous, and ratchet relational trauma expert.   I'm a therapist, trauma coach, Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, and hypnotherapist. I'm a lifelong learner from the hood, a recovered codependent perfectionist, sexual abuse survivor, and retired superwoman transformed into a super woman. For too long I wore a cape that I inherited from strong women who were secretly heartbroken. I tried all the “things” to heal, but I needed real self-love special ed so I became a therapist.

I was toxic and didn’t know it until I learned about the spiritual and emotional devastation of relational trauma. I was relieved to understand there was a reason for this silent pain.  The ROOT of my unworthiness had to be healed so that I could feel whole and experience real love. I created Love University because I know so many Black women are struggling with the same dis-ease of unworthiness, shame, loneliness, and perfectly hidden depression they inherited. It doesn’t have to be this way! I used the tools of therapy and the power of spirituality to meet my soul... and chile, I never knew a love so damn good! Let me teach you how to get that soul-connection and Love U.

You know you need therapy and your friends do too, so gather the crew because y'all all need Love U! 

Always in love,

Save me a seat sis!
Learn More

How It Works:

Click the link to secure your free trial.
Enjoy the LOVE U Curriculum.
Burn Your Fucking Cape and Love U.

Show up to the weekly 2 Hour Masterclass & Q&A sessions.

Sign Me Up!

Love U is a perfect fit for you if…

βœ” You’re a Black woman ready to heal unworthiness and heartbreak. 
βœ” You have a history of toxic, unhealthy, or soul-sucking relationships
βœ” You’ve experienced trauma, abuse, or emotional neglect
βœ” You’re a superwoman or fixer and you’re ready to retire cuz 'ya tiyad and you're ready to be on purpose
βœ” You want to create and attract whole relationships that reflect your beauty and not your brokeness
βœ” You’ve been looking for a tribe that will love you AND call you on your shit because you want REAL love and authentic accountability

Love University is NOT for you if…

βœ– You’re not a Black woman
βœ– You hate cussin’ or folks being authentically human or you're a Debbie Fuckin' Downer
βœ– You’re looking for Duct Tape, Band-aids, or a fantasy to solve your problems
βœ– You’re judgmental, shaming, dismissive and you already know every-damn-thing

I'm ready to release my emotional baggage

Frequently Asked Questions:

Sign me up for some self-love